Posts in Blog
Principles for Simplicity

In yesterday’s sermon we talked about economic simplicity.  Using Jesus’ parable of the so-called rich fool in Luke 12:13-34, we discussed how easily we are controlled by the “stuff” in our lives.  The things we own soon own us, so if we want to reduce anxiety and worry and create more space for God and others we need to find ways to live with less.  We need to constantly ask ourselves, “How much do we really need?” Truth be told, we probably don’t need nearly as much as we think! 

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Remembering Mema

Our vacation this week began with a funeral.  My wife’s 94 year-old grandmother died last Friday, following a battle with prolonged illness.  I first met Mema 23 years ago when Heather and I started dating.  Heather is the oldest of her cousins, so she was the first to bring home a potential mate.  That means I was the test case for how her family would respond to such a new addition.  I would like to say I passed the test with flying colors, but it was more the case that I was graded on a curve!

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Summer Cooler & the Resurrection

I enjoy something about all the seasons, but we are primarily summer people in our household.  The long days and warm temperatures make it possible for us to get outside after being cooped up for months on end.  We particularly enjoy striking out for the lake whenever we get a chance.  When a Saturday afternoon opens up for us, we grab the dog, hook up our old boat, and head out for the water.  Sometimes we even take the kids. 

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Go & Tell : A Q&A on the Southwest Virginia Partnership

In April, Bonsack commissioned Larry & Lynda Brumfield and Larry & Phyllis Perdue to serve for a week in Nickelsville, Virginia at the Southwest Virginia Partnership, a missions outreach that is sponsored by the Baptist General Association of Virginia along with three area Baptist Associations (Clinch Valley, Powell River, & Wise). The Brumfields and Perdues joined over 50 individuals from churches across the Roanoke Valley as they coordinated BookNet, an in-school book donation program for 12 schools in three counties, volunteered at Gate City’s food bank, visited nursing homes, and renovated the Partnership’s dining space to help accomodate future volunteers. Larry & Lynda Brumfield as well as Phyllis Perdue sat down for a conversation to reflect on the trip.  

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Kaleidoscope: Our Upcoming Church-Wide Music Event Bridges Generations

When was the last time you looked inside a kaleidoscope? A classic childhood toy, a kaleidoscope is a cylindrical tube with a series of mirrors that, when peered into, reveals an optical effect of moving, colorful, and perfectly symmetrical patterns. A high-quality kaleidoscope looks a lot like brilliantly moving diamonds or dancing stained glass. 

While a kaleidoscope is a fun toy, it admittedly makes for an odd name for a musical presentation. Yet, Kaleidoscope is the name of our church’s Festival of Choirs and Congregational Song, happening May 5.

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Burning Buildings and a Hole in the Ground

I am watching almost 1000 years of history go up in smoke.”  That’s how one distressed reporter described the scene yesterday as she watched a fire tear through the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris.  I’ve never visited the cathedral, but I too had a visceral reaction to the sight of flames engulfing the massive gothic structure.  I’ve replayed the video of its majestic spire collapsing through a hole in the roof several times now, each time wanting to disbelieve it.  It doesn’t seem like this should be able to happen….

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Disney Reflections

This year my parents celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.  Apparently, that many years of marital bliss can cause you take temporary leave of your sanity, because to mark the occasion they decided to take the entire family to Disney World.  Yes, we just returned from a long weekend of standing in very long lines, usually for the privilege of standing in another line…

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BlogBonsack Admin
40 Days of Prayer

Lent is the period of 40 days that leads up to Holy Week.  Admittedly, we Baptists have tended to not pay much attention to the liturgical calendar, but there is some wisdom to be gained in listening to what the broader Christian family has to tell us during this season.

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Truth Over Power: Israel 2018

When you experience something moving or meaningful, your first instinct is usually to find someone with whom to share it. If, for example, you encounter a beautiful sunset, you almost can’t help but run back inside the house to call for your spouse to come out and join you. Somehow the experience means more to you if you can bring someone else into it…

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An Ash Wednesday Reflection

Today is Ash Wednesday. It is a tradition that we low church Baptists have tended to ignore, but regardless of whether we attend a formal Ash Wednesday service or not, there is great wisdom and truth in what this day represents to the greater Christian family...

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