From Where You're Standing: Associational Missions

In Acts 1:8 Jesus tells His disciples, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” If you claim Christ as Lord and Savior of your life, you are one of His disciples. You have received that same Holy Spirit power when you invited Christ into your life. By having the power of the indwelling Spirit of God in you, you are a witness of His.

In a recent sermon, Pastor Chris said one of the reasons the disciples' witness was to begin in Jerusalem was because, “Jerusalem is where they were standing when Jesus gave them these instructions. Their call to be a witness was to begin right where they were. The call of the gospel doesn’t require us to go somewhere else first. It begins right here in this immediate space that we occupy here and now.” As disciples of Jesus, we have the opportunity to be a witness for Him in how we live and serve right here, right now.

Here are a few things I want to challenge you to consider when it comes to being a witness right here and now. Look at the various opportunities that our church mission committee is offering for local missions. We have a variety of places to plug in- from the Community Garden on our property, helping out at the Keystone Community Center, serving at Straight Street, and through our partnership with Colonial Elementary and more. We are always looking for individuals and small groups to get involved. Summer time is upon us, why not consider hosting a “Block Brunch,” a “Street Meet” or “Cul-de-sac Cookout” as a way to meet your neighbors and simply begin by doing life together? These are just a few ways to get involved right here in your Jerusalem.

You can also give to help others as they do ministry. We are entering into our week of prayer for our Roanoke Valley Baptist Association Mission Offering named after Annie Mae Broyles. Annie Mae was a member at Bonsack Baptist at one time and now the Associational Mission offering is named in her honor. The first Baptist Mission Center of the Roanoke Valley Baptist Association was opened in 1939 and began operation on Salem Avenue and Miss Annie Mae Broyles was its first Missionary Director. Today the Baptist Mission Centers are the benevolent arm of the Roanoke Valley Baptist Association serving the communities of Southeast and Southwest Roanoke. Be sure to check out the ways in which you can pray, give and help right here in our Roanoke Valley Baptist Association.

Danny Quirin, Associate Pastor

2018 Week of Prayer for Associational Missions

Day One: Sunday
PRAY TODAY for . . . Our partnership with Keystone Community CenterPray for Pat Carter as she works with the children to provide after school care, Bible study, camps and VBS.  Families in the community are learning to grow and can their own food through the backyard garden program. 

Day Two: Monday
PRAY TODAY for . . . Our partnership with Friday Night Friends – Pray for Larry and Carol McCulloch and the ministry to those with disabilities.  They meet the first Friday of each month at Cave Spring Baptist Church.

Day Three: Tuesday
PRAY TODAY for . . . Our partnership with World Changers – Pray the students who will be attending and the home owners.  The students will be doing housing renovations during the week of July 9-14 and sharing the gospel in the communities.

Day Four: Wednesday
PRAY TODAY for . . . Our partnership with the WMU Children’s Mission Camp – Pray for Jessica Gutierrez-Arnold and her staff as they work with the children the week of July 23 – 27 at Ward Haven. Children will have Bible study, hear from missionaries, have recreation and be learning about sharing the Gospel.

Day Five: Thursday
PRAY TODAY for . . . Our partnership with Friendship House Roanoke – Pray for Faith Dowdy and the children in after school care and the refugees who are living at the center that they will be able to understand the Gospel and then come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Day Six: Friday
PRAY TODAY for . . . Our partnership with churches in Revitalization efforts – Pray the Church Revitalization Team as it seeks ways to encourage and help churches in efforts to connect with their communities, reach people for Christ and, make disciples.

Day Seven: Saturday
PRAY TODAY for . . . Our partnership with churches in Valley Impact – The Mission Development Team as it prepares for and encourages churches to be involved in Valley Impact, a one day coordinated missions blitz all across the Valley on September 29th.

Bonsack's goal for the Annie Mae Broyles Associational Missions Offering is $2,500.

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