Upcoming Events

We have services on Sundays and activities for the whole family on Wednesday nights.


Bible Studies

Through the Bible

Wednesdays | 6pm - 7pm, Sanctuary

Each Wednesday, Pastor Chris leads Through the Bible. We’re walking through the Bible book by book. We are offering this study in person and it will also be live streamed. Access the live stream here or on Facebook Live. On Thursdays, we will post the video on the sermons page of our website.

Women's Bible Studies

Email Lisa Adams with questions: ladams@bonsackbaptist.org


6pm - 7:30pm, CLC 1

Starting January 7th, we will be going through He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado. Amazon Link to Purchase


6pm - 7:45pm, Roanoke Hall C

Starting January 8th, and continuing seven weeks, we will be studying Ephesians by Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger. Amazon Link for Purchase

Then we will start He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado. Amazon Link to Purchase

Childcare age Kindergarten and under is available for parents who are serving or participating in a Bible study. Email Andy Manuel to register your child: amanuel@bonsackbaptist.org


10am - 11:30am, Room B215

Starting January 9th, and continuing seven weeks, we will be studying Ephesians by Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger. Amazon Link for Purchase

Then we will start He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado. Amazon Link to Purchase

Men's Discipleship GroupS


From 6pm - 7:30pm, Led by Steve Ferguson


Mike Zepp is leading a men's group on Wednesday nights studying Discipleship Essentials by Greg Ogden. Email or call Lisa Adams for more information. ladams@bonsackbaptist.org

Childcare age Kindergarten and under is available for parents who are serving or participating in a Bible study. Email Andy Manuel to register your child: amanuel@bonsackbaptist.org


Prayer Gathering

We meet to pray for our leaders and our nation. Join us on Thursdays at noon in CLC 1, or every third Sunday of the month at 3:30pm in Roanoke Hall.

Grief Groups

We have small grief groups that meet for 6-week series. A large-group seminar will launch the small groups. Contact Rhon Williams to learn when the next Grief Seminar will be. rwilliams@bonsackbaptist.org


In partnership with Journey Church, we host DivorceCare sessions on occasion.

Divorced? Separated? Find help at our weekly divorce support group.

When: Tuesday Mornings, 10:30am-12pm. There is not a session meeting at this time.

Price: $20 (Includes workbook). Scholarships available

Topics Covered: Deep Hurt, Road to Recovery, Anger, Grief & Depression, Loneliness, Fears & Anxiety, Family & Friends, Financial & Legal Issues, Conflict, Forgiveness, Your Former Spouse, Single Living, Brighter Days