Regarding the Coronavirus (Covid-19)
Bonsack family,
Undoubtedly we are all paying attention to the spread of the coronavirus and the understandable concerns it raises. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors. This means not only trying to safeguard our individual well-being, but also taking appropriate steps to uphold the health and safety of those around us, particularly those who are vulnerable or live with greater risks. To that end, we want you to be aware of a few steps we are taking. While we intend to continue with all local and regularly scheduled worship services and ministry programs, we believe these simple steps will reduce our exposure and limit the chances of passing sickness along to others.
Cleanliness and Sanitation: The presence of our WEEC means that we already operate at a high standard of sanitation, as mandated by state and local regulations. All horizontal surfaces throughout the facility are disinfected every day. In the children’s area, this is done twice a day. This includes door knobs and handrails. Additionally, all vertical surfaces are wiped down daily. In recent days our custodial staff have become even more vigilant in their cleaning efforts. We owe them a huge debt of gratitude.
Hand Sanitizing stations have been placed throughout the building, particularly at all entrances. You are encouraged to use them frequently.
Greeting: As we began to do last week, we will continue to modify our greeting time to discourage handshakes or other forms of physical contact. Click for more information.
Welcome: Our parking and greeting teams will continue to welcome people, but will do so by maintaining appropriate physical distance to limit person-to-person contact.
Offering: Beginning this Sunday, we will modify our method of receiving the offering so the collection plates are not passed from person to person.
Limiting Contact: Weather permitting, all exterior doors will be propped open during high traffic times to limit the number of hands needed to touch them.
Communion: Future observances of the Lord’s Supper will be appropriately modified to limit exposure.
Take precautions: If you consider yourself to be particularly at-risk because of underlying health conditions, you are encouraged to be extra vigilant in deciding whether to attend services or events.
Stay home if you're sick: Obviously, if you are sick with a potentially contagious illness, we urge you to stay home until you have recovered. During your time away you can stay connected through our website and our app.
Speaking of the Bonsack Baptist app, if you haven’t done so already, I encourage you to download the latest version. In addition to offering useful features for everyday use, the app is also a great means of communication should further updates need to be shared. If you don’t have the update, or if you have the old version and need to update it, click the button below using your phone or mobile device, or text APPBBC to 77977.
While it is regrettable we even have to think about these things, a little bit of thoughtfulness can go a long way towards reducing risks and lowering fear. Let’s be vigilant and prayerful, and let’s keep looking out for each other!
Grace and peace,
Chris Cadenhead