Welcome to Bonsack Baptist

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Our Mission

For over 130 years Bonsack’s mission has been simple and unchanging: to share Christ and build believers.

We want others to know the joy of believing, trusting and following Jesus Christ. Wherever you may be on your journey, whatever your experience with God may have been up to this moment, we hope your experience with us will reveal something of the love of Jesus. We believe he is ready to meet you wherever you are, and we would love to be a place where that happens. Learn more about us below, plan a visit, and join us at Sunday morning worship or Bible Study.

Employment Opportunities


Church Positions


Inquires should be directed to Steve Janosko at sjanosko@bonsackbaptist.org

Childcare Helper for church events

Part-time, 15-30 hours/month. Monthly schedules provided two weeks in advance. Previous childcare experience preferred. Must be 18+. Contact Andy at amanuel@bonsackbaptist.org.

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What We Believe

Even skeptics will likely agree that Jesus of Nazareth was the most significant person who ever lived.

What he said and did has forever altered the course of history.   He never wrote anything, he never owned any property, and he never held any official position in any institution, yet over the last two millennia, billions of people have claimed to have had their lives changed by him.  What was it about him that still conveys such power?

At Bonsack Baptist we stake our lives on the belief that this power comes from his identity as the risen Son of God.  He came into the world to reveal God’s perfect love for this world.  He modeled compassion and mercy, insisted that we love our neighbors, taught us to forgive, and spoke truth into a world mired in confusion and falsehood. 

Ultimately, he died on a cross to pay the price for our sins, and then rose victoriously from the grave three days later. 

He did all this so that we can have eternal life, a life that is about far more than just going to heaven when we die.  It is about having a new kind of life, even here and now in this world.  If you would like to know more about him or about this life he freely offers to us all, contact us or better yet, come check us out in person.  See for yourself what the risen Christ is doing here!
